Monday, April 2, 2012

Parallel Ups carrying out and Power protection Systems

Operation of parallel uninterruptible power supplies (Ups), whether parallel-redundant or parallel-capacity, centres on such criteria as mode of carrying out (supply present or provide failure), battery operation, handling of provide restoration, fault health and overload. It also depends upon whether they are related to a singular or dual input power supply.

The rectifier and static switch bypass provide inputs are taken from a common ac provide point (building incomer) and each uninterruptible power provide module is fitting with isolators or circuit breakers to allow individual disconnection. Each module will also have its own battery set.

Power Inverter With Battery

The output of each Ups module is taken to a common ac busbar where it is then distributed to necessary loads. This configuration of Ups is also fitted with an urgency bypass switch (switchgear panel). For future expansion, a spare connection point is built into the switchgear panel.

Parallel Ups carrying out and Power protection Systems

Operational Mode

In normal operation, where mains power provide or back-up power (diesel generator, for example) is present, each of the Ups modules shares the load equally.

During battery operation, when mains power and/or back-up are no longer available, each of the uninterruptible power provide modules in the parallel-redundant configuration will continue equally to share the load. Each one has its own battery set with the same runtime period and dc voltage cut off threshold. However, each battery set will removal at slightly different rates. During extended provide failures, the battery sets will removal until they reach their dc disconnect threshold.

Uninterruptible power provide modules will automatically restart when mains power is restored. To avoid upstream breaker tripping, start up sequence includes a soft-start activity to sacrifice the effects of high in-rush current.

Should any of the Ups modules detect an internal fault, they will automatically disconnect from the common output, in which case the remaining modules in the configuration pick up the load (without disruption) and share it equally.

If a second module in the parallel configuration fails, it will force the remaining modules into an overload health and the load will be transferred to bypass supplies via a static switch. This recipe of parallel Ups carrying out ensures the load receives an sufficient source of power automatically and without disruption.

When faced with an overload, the entire uninterruptible power provide will react in one of two ways - depending upon the magnitude and period of the overload. Firstly, Ups inverters have overload capabilities, so in the case of a small overload (within 100 - 150% of nominal rating), the Ups principles will continue to power the load from its inverter.

Secondly, for larger overloads that exceed the capabilities of the uninterruptible power supply, all the modules will automatically switch to bypass in an endeavor to clear the fault. They will remain like this until the fault is cleared or, if it continues, shutdown.

It is important to point out here that when in bypass, principles resilience is compromised, which is why modern uninterruptible power supplies have been designed and programmed to create alarm notifications, which can be monitored locally, via a network, or remotely.

Emergency bypasses are generally installed in parallel Ups configurations to allow modules to be electrically isolated and powered down when necessary.

With a dual input supply, the Ups principles is supplied from detach rectifier and static switch sources, which helps to enhance resilience and negates the single-point-of-failure related with singular supply.

Operation of a parallel-capacity uninterruptible power provide is the same as a parallel-redundant principles - except for how it handles Ups module failure. In this case, if one module fails, all of the remainder, plus the faulty one, will be forced into overload health and the load transferred to bypass. This ensured that the load continues to receive sufficient power automatically and without disruption.

There are a consolidate of useful accessories that can be incorporated into parallel Ups operation: a Ups Group Synchroniser (Ugs) and a Parallel Systems Joiner. A Ups Group Synchroniser synchronises the outputs from two detach groups of parallel Ups, which may be supplied from detach ac sources. It enables the outputs from the groups to be established into a dual bus format. A Parallel Systems Joiner operates in a similar vein but enables the connection of the two detach groups into a dynamic dual bus format, which facilitates principles expansion, fault tolerance and ease of maintenance.

Parallel Ups carrying out and Power protection Systems

Solar Flares, Electromagnetic Pulses (Emps) and Faraday Cages - Surviving 2012

With the economy getting worse in all countries, some to the point of falling apart, it's becoming more important to have a backup plan in case of emergencies. If the whole power grid was wiped out what would you do for power? Even if you have plans of alternative power straight through solar panels or wind generators the inverters would be fried unless you had a faraday cage. But what are the odds of that happening? inspecting that an Hemp (high-altitude electromagnetic pulse) blast can be the size of an whole nation as big as the United States it's something that every person should look at as a realistic situation.

What is an Emp and Hemp attack exactly?

Power Inverter With Battery

An Emp attack with an electromagnetic pulse generated without the use of nuclear weapon is called an Nnemp (Non-nuclear electromagnetic pulse). The range of an Nnemp is highly smaller than a Hemp because they require a chemical explosive as their preliminary power source. That being said we'll be talking about Hemp's since, as stated, they could be as big as an whole country. A Hemp attack is employed by launching a nuclear bomb (even a straightforward one) 25+ miles above Earth's atmosphere and detonating it. The pulse overloads all electronic devices (and batteries such as the one from a laptop will be "shorted"). If this were to happen and a nuclear bomb was launched ~30 miles above the atmosphere of the United States and detonated above Kansas it would take out All electronic operations in the whole U.S. The same kind of reaction is inherent with a solar flare (it has the same geomagnetic storm as an E3 area of a Hemp).

Solar Flares, Electromagnetic Pulses (Emps) and Faraday Cages - Surviving 2012

But you have a backup plan for your power source?

Unless you have your inverter in a Faraday cage it will be fried along with transformers and power lines. Any electronics not protected Will be destroyed. (Whether or not you have a surge protector or if they're not plugged in a socket).

Solar Flares:

A big concern with Emp's are with solar flares, but why is that? A severe solar flare has a similar geomagnetic storm to an E3 area of a Hemp. Solar flares happen every day and in most cases it takes less than a day to reach Earth (sometimes only 17 hours). If your whole city was told you had 17 hours until a solar flare might destroy your city's power for a few weeks would you be prepared? Or more likely you wouldn't have a warning (like the province of Quebec on March 13).

March 13, 1989: The whole province of Quebec was blacked out when the Emp created by the solar storm found their way into the power grid of the Hydro-Quebec Power Authority. Their capacitors tried to speak the currents but couldn't cope it and within seconds 6 million people found themselves without power. The only thing that stopped this from happening to the Us was the fact the extreme zone hit Canada instead. It would have been an estimated cost of billion damages if the capacitors on the Allegheny Network had been hit like they were in Canada.

Another one that's interesting:

October 29, 2003: One of the fastest engaging solar flares to date causes a 0 million dollar satellite to crash to Earth.

How can you safe against a solar flare/Emp? One of the more trustworthy methods is a Faraday cage.

What is a Faraday cage?

A Faraday cage or Faraday shield is an enclosure formed by conducting material or by a mesh of such material. Such an enclosure blocks out external static and non-static electric fields. Two things to remember is a Faraday cages Have to be grounded and there can't be any gaps in the protective material. Even though a Faraday cage isn't fool proof it will increase the occasion of recovery your emergency electronics infinitely (since it Will be destroyed if it's not protected). The higher the frequency of the Emp, the faster it is. If it goes too fast it will causes a burn out. This is why the cage must be continuously grounded and the openings in the mesh/material cannot be too large. If they holes in the mesh are too large then the magnetic pulse will conduct to slip in. A straightforward Faraday cage would be to get a small box (or you could admittedly make the basic wooden frame of the box) and use very fine mesh (2x4 brass mesh sheets are fine) and stable the brash mesh on the outside of the box. Make a secured way to get in the box (a straightforward lid with hinges would work) and solder a ground wire to one of the corners and ground the cage. If you want to go the extra mile to safe against any type of Emp bury the box under a few feet (2-3 feet would work) of soil. You can place all your emergency battery operated tool in it (remember to comprise batteries in the cage as well).

With a properly constructed Faraday cage you can most likely safe anything that was located inside it from an Emp or solar flare.


Electronics that are not properly shielded Will be destroyed if they are hit with an Emp. It doesn't matter if they are plugged into the wall or not. (There have been rumors that say if your electronics are not plugged in the wall then it they will be fine. This is not true). If you'd like the full explanation as to why you can email/message me.

A Faraday cage that uses only mesh or sheet metal can only shield against a magnetic frequency up to the Rf range. Electronics nowadays are useful in the Shf, Uhf and Vhf range (such as your television). To efficiently safe your electronics from a Emp that is higher than an Rf range you need some steel, iron or thick copper.

Solar Flares, Electromagnetic Pulses (Emps) and Faraday Cages - Surviving 2012